Monday, January 08, 2007

Don't trade the news?

"news is exellent stuff to trade , before I was mentored by the “Monkeyman “ I was always taught don’t trade the news , but the Monkeyman said whaaaaat ? ??? he will take a break and say Bruce I will be back at a time for the news , he takes breaks but wants to be at the screens for the news to trade it IF there is opportunity "

1 comment:

DanioZ said...

Witam, tu DanioZ.

W wakacje zaczalem grac na YM i teraz mam kilka problemow z wypelnieniem w8-ben, zeby uniknac podwojnego opodatkowania. Moze miales juz z tym stycznosc i moglbys mi w tym pomoc.

Dzieki i pozdrawiam